SPACE eFactory

Overview of SPACE eFactory and Lab

Welcome to SPACE eFactory Overview, your one-stop source for information on the Pattern Repository, engaging Games, the powerful Strategic Planner, and a variety of advisory tools to help you make decisions.

Lets Get Started

Sample Usage Scenarios

   Scenario 1: Launch a New Enterprise/Initiative

  1. How to launch a new small business.
  2. How to evaluate if the new business will succeed.
  3. How to start a new Branch office in any sector anywhere in the world.
  4. Determine if the business will be able to succeed in the political and business landscape.
  5. Many more.

   Scenario 2: Digital Transformation

  1. Which functional areas should be transformed and how.
  2. What will be the main promises and pitfalls of the Transformation.
  3. How will the transformation be planned and implemented.
  4. What will be implementation details in terms of Applications, Computing Platforms, Networks and Cloud Services.
  5. Many more.

   Scenario 3: Detailed Planning & Deployment

  1. How to launch a simple service from a single provider anywhere in the world.
  2. How to launch an enterprise with multiple services from a single provider anywhere in the world.
  3. How can I quickly generate a working Portal for all of the above.
  4. How can I customize this portal and collaborate with others.

   Scenario 4: Manage the Growth

  1. How can the systems and services be integrated within an enterprise.
  2. How to integrate our nosiness with other businesses anywhere in the world.
  3. How can the growth be managed properly.
  4. Many other considerations in a Global Village.

   Scenario 5: Build Your Own Scenario

  1. How to combine different tools from the eFactory into your own scenarios
  2. Other BYO scenarios in a Smart Global Village

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