How to Get Started – The One Year Pilot Plan
Identify a point of contact (POC) who will lead the ICT4SIDS in the island.
We initiate a one year joint pilot project.
The POC may choose to develop a Center (e.g., Center4Timor-Leste) in collaboration with us. A given SID may choose to launch multiple Centers in multiple regions to satisfy unique needs.
The POC works with us to identify high impact applications of ICT in vital sectors (e.g., health, education, public safety, public welfare) in a SID.
Develop the one year plan by suggesting a roadmap, timeline, main results, decision points and action plans.
Work with us to identify what type of projects will they initiate and manage (i.e. education, health public safety, public welfare, agriculture, business, gov. ICT development, etc.
Help us to initiate ICT training programs that are urgently needed.
The one year plan will have the following expected outcomes:
Publication of a solid white paper that clearly identifies high impact applications of ICT in the selected SID.
Launching of a few (2-3) projects of high value.
Sharing of the project results at OCCAM Infopoverty, Oklahoma University, Harrisburg University, and ETI International and Regional presentations.
Presentation of the final white paper and the results of the projects at the next UN Infopoverty World Conference (IWC) in March-April at the UN Headquarters, New York.
Initiation of ICT training and human capacity development programs that are urgently needed.
Contribution to the progress in the concluding year of MDGs and the successor UN 2015 Development Agenda.
Presentations to the Annual Ministerial Review Meetings of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Infopoverty World Conference and possibly, the Third International Conference for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).