How to Get Started – The One Year Pilot Plan

We use the systematic Methodology. We are suggesting the following steps to get started on this Pilot Project:

  • Identify a point of contact (POC) who will lead the ICT4SIDS in the island.

  • We initiate a one year joint pilot project.

  • The POC may choose to develop a Center (e.g., Center4Timor-Leste) in collaboration with us. A given SID may choose to launch multiple Centers in multiple regions to satisfy unique needs.

  • The POC works with us to identify high impact applications of ICT in vital sectors (e.g., health, education, public safety, public welfare) in a SID.

  • Develop the one year plan by suggesting a roadmap, timeline, main results, decision points and action plans.

  • Work with us to identify what type of projects will they initiate and manage (i.e. education, health public safety, public welfare, agriculture, business, gov. ICT development, etc.

  • Help us to initiate ICT training programs that are urgently needed.

  • The one year plan will have the following expected outcomes:

  • Publication of a solid white paper that clearly identifies high impact applications of ICT in the selected SID.

  • Launching of a few (2-3) projects of high value.

  • Sharing of the project results at OCCAM Infopoverty, Oklahoma University, Harrisburg University, and ETI International and Regional presentations.

  • Presentation of the final white paper and the results of the projects at the next UN Infopoverty World Conference (IWC) in March-April at the UN Headquarters, New York.

  • Initiation of ICT training and human capacity development programs that are urgently needed.

  • Contribution to the progress in the concluding year of MDGs and the successor UN 2015 Development Agenda.

  • Presentations to the Annual Ministerial Review Meetings of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Infopoverty World Conference and possibly, the Third International Conference for Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

  • For more details please contact