Sample Centers of ICT4SIDS
In the first year of the ICT4SIDS project, we have launched a pilot project with Timor Leste (TL) that is subdivided into the following concurrent tasks, displayed in Figure1:

Task 1:
Establish an ICT4SIDS-Center that can be used as a sample starting point by TL. This virtual Center (website) will initially show a sample Digital Community Center (DCC ) [1] and also a Business Intelligence (BI) Center [2].
Task 2:
Establish a BIG Data Repository that can support the ICT4SIDS-Center and also the ICT4TL Centers. A basic Big Data Repository already exists to support SPACE – it contains data data from World Bank, World Economic Forum, and UN Public Admin Network. We will extend it by using the UN DOS (Dept of Statistics) data.
Task 3:
Establish an ICT4TL-Center in TL based on the sample ICT4SIDS Center. It will initially provide basic DCC and BI services during the pilot project that will be expanded later.
Task 4:
Develop the “Train the Trainer Program” that concentrates on human capacity building in TL.
Publish the work in white papers and also present results in IWC 2015.
Figure 1 shows these key tasks and the inter-relationships between these tasks. As can be seen, the ICT4SIDS Partnership team will play a central role in supporting these tasks.