Training Program Overview
Key Features of the Program:
All courses are offered completely online. In-Class and Hybrid delivery methods will be made available on demand.
The Program consists of three core courses (C1, C2, C3), and one capstone.
Additional courses may be offered in ICT applications in specific areas such as education, agriculture, business, food safety, health, and public welfare on an as needed basis.
All courses, including the capstone, require practical projects that must be endorsed by the local sponsors to help the underserved segments of our society (e.g., Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States).The core courses cover the Planning (C1), Engineering (C2) and Management (C3) principles that are essential for ICT managers.
Each course (24 hours of instruction) is divided into four one day (6 hour) modules.
We are initially offering few electives to get started. More courses will be added gradually to cover other aspects of interest to the developing countries.

Overview of the Program Curriculum:
The following framework illustrates the key building blocks of the certified ITO program.
Core IT service functions, such as business processes, applications, and computing-communication platforms represent the basic building blocks of modern enterprises and are shown as horizontal organizational layers.
Interdisciplinary, cross-cutting management practices and governance activities such as communications, planning, management, and security enable and support the horizontal layers (IT service functions) and are emphasized in the CITO program.
The curriculum addresses this framework by using examples, case studies, and best practices.
The first course (C1) sets the context by introducing the program and providing an overview of the entire framework using examples of eGovernment and eBusiness from around the globe. It primarily concentrates on the horizontal layers (IT service functions).
The other two courses (C2 and C3) concentrate on vertical layers that cut across all horizontal layers. C2 concentrates on the very important area of enterprise architectures and integration issues at global levels. C3 covers the governance, project management and security aspects of eBusiness and eGovernment.