Application Requirements Document



Business Intelligence (BI) Service*



General Template for Informational Services



How to Use this Document

This document specifies requirements for the selected service. These requirements go beyond the high level planning information and specify detailed information that can be used to better understand the system and also as a means of communications between the system analysis and system development teams. 

Table of Contents

Definitions and Terms

ACL Authorized Control List
ACM Association of Computing Machinery
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIA Application Integration Architecture
API Application Programming Interface
ASP Application Service Provider
ASP Active Server Pages A Microsoft technology for building server side code
ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode a packet switching Technology used typically in high data rate networks
ATM Automatic Teller Machine used in banking
B2B Business to Business
B2C Business to Consumer
B2E Business to Employee
B2G Business to Government
BREW Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless
BSP Business System Planning
CAD Computer Aided Design
CAM Computer Aided Manufacture
CBX Computerized Branch Exchange
CCITT Comit Consultatif Internationale de Tlgraphique et Tlphonique (The International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee)
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDPD Cellular Digital Packet Data
CGI Common Gateway Interface - A Web gateway technology
CIO Chief Information Officer
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSF Critical Success Factors
CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect
DBMS Database Management System
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model
DDBMS Distributed Database Management System
DDL Data Definition Language used in database management
DDTMS Distributed Data and Transaction Management System
DML Data Manipulation Language
DOD Department of Defense
DSL Digital Subscriber Loop
DTM Distributed Transaction Manager
DTMS Distributed Transaction Management System
EAI Enterprise Application Integration
EB Electronic Business
EC Electronic Commerce
EDI Electronic Data Interchange
EJB Enterprise Java Beans
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
ETSI European Telecommunication Standards Institute
FCC Federal Communications Commission
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FSO Free Space Optics
FTP File Transfer Protocol
GUI Graphical User Interface
I/O Input/Output
IDL Interface Definition Language used in CORBA and other distributed object middleware services
IEEE Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IMS Information Management System - IBM DB/DC system on mainframes
IP Internet Protocol
IPC Interprocess Communication
IRM Information Resource Management a management methodology
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunications Union
ITU-T International Telecommunications Union - Telecommunications Services Sector
J2EE Java Version 2 Enterprise Edition
J2ME Java Version 2 Mobile Edition
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
LAN Local Area Network
LDBMS Local Database Management System
LLC Logical Link Control
LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service
LU Logical Unit - an endpoint in the IBM SNA environment
MAC Medium Access Control
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
Mbps Million bits per second
MMIT Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit
MOM Message Oriented Middleware
MVS Multiple Virtual System - operating system on IBM's mainframes
NBS National Bureau of Standards
NFS Network File Services - SUN Microsystem's File System for Networks
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
OAG Open Application Group a standards organization
ODBC Open Database Connectivity a de-facto standard for remote SQL
OMA Open Mobility Alliance
OMG Object Management Group the group that developed CORBA
OODBMS Object-Oriented Database Management System
OOPL Object-Oriented Programming Language
OS Operating System
OSF Open Software Foundation
OSF-DCE OSF Distributed Computing Environment
OSF-DME OSF Distributed Management Environment
OSI Open System Interconnection
PBX Private Branch Exchange
PGP Pretty Good Privacy
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
QoS Quality of Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
RDA Remote Database Access
RFID Radio Frequency Identification
RPC Remote Procedure Call
SCM Supply Chain Management
SET Secure Electronic Transaction a security standard
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol - TCP/IP Network management Protocol
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol part of Web Services
SONET Synchronous Optical Network
SQL Structured Query Language
SSL Secure Socket Layer
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
UDDI Universal Description, Discovery and Integration - a registry for Web Services
UDP User Datagram Protocol - a protocol that runs on IP
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (Mainly 3G Cellular Technology)
UWB Ultra Wideband
VAN Value-added Network
VPN Virtual Private Network
VXML Voice eXtensible Markup Language
WAN Wide Area Network
WAP Wireless Application Protocol
WLL Wireless Local Loop
WML Wireless Markup Language
WS Web Services
WSN Wireless Sensor Network

0. Overview of Service Business Intelligence (BI) Service*


BI (business intelligence) is an umbrella term that means different things to different people. The main idea, despite the differences, is that BI enables business managers to make intelligent decisions -- it transform data to information (and knowledge) for improved decisions and actions. Quick examples of BI applications are: providing targeted information at the right place and time for competitive advantage, producing  information that is actionable (e.g., accurately predicting changes in weather conditions), improving processes for significant reduction of time and cost, and use of dashboards for graphical views of a wide range of opportunities in improving sales, customer satisfaction, and new business ventures. Government agencies are also using BI to offer better services in public health, public education, public safety and public welfare.
Key Characteristics  of a BI Service:
  • Focus is on "Intelligence" and not on Data 
  • Too much data confuses people and decision makers
  • Example:
    • Data = Most customers do not complain more than 3 times
    • Intelligence = customers typical leave a business after three times 
    • Action = Make sure that if a customer has complained twice, then her problem is solved.   
  • BI helps transform business data  to intelligence to help make decisions/actions
  • BI versus Decision Support Systems (DSS): BI is typical at executive level, DSS at middle level. They are similar but the audience/objective is different
Major Components of a BI System:
A BI service has four major components: a data warehouse, a collection of business analytics and mining tools, business performance management (BPM) for monitoring and analyzing performance, and a user interface (e.g. dashboard). Specifically, a BI service has the following major components as displayed in the following Figure:
  • aData Warehouse(DW) that contains BIG DATA, i.e. a collection of subject-oriented databases, text files, emails, images, voice annotations, and other structured and unstructured information needed to support decisions.
  • Tools for basic query and reporting purposes to understand the data
  • Tools for Business Analytics (BA) to support descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics based on the data in the data warehouse (DW);
  • Tools for Business Intelligence (BI) that support mining of data, clickstream, text and other artifacts in the DW
  • Business Performance Management (BPM) capabilities for monitoring and analyzing performance of business processes  
  • A User Interface (UI) that provides dashboards and other graphical tools for data visualization and integration of views


1. Overview and Business Drivers

Web Publishing

Publishing content on the web is one of the oldest application of web. You basically store your files (HTML/XML) on a web server so that the customers can access this content through Web browsers. The growing number of Web sites that publish content (known as "resources") to be accessed transparently by Web users is the main strength of WWW. Examples of the Web sites at present are corporate Web sites, university Web sites, publishing/advertising Web sites, travel agency Web sites, and small business Web sites. Web sites can be large (e.g., large corporations may dedicate several machines as Web sites) or small (smaller companies may rent or lease portions of a Web site).

Business Needs (edit and modify to fit your needs)

2. Background Information

Web Publishing
Additional Information

Although conceptually a Web site is a catalog of information for each content provider over the Web, in reality, a Web site consists of three types of components: :

Setting up a Web site involves a large number of issues such as the following:

Many Web servers for different classes of Web users are state of the market. Apache, Sun Server, and Netscape servers are examples. The choice of a server depends on factors such as ease of installation, performance, security, manageability, and user friendliness.

Web publishing represents the C2B - information services business pattern.

Web Site Usability Characteristics

Good Bad
 Fun to use
 Aesthetic graphics
 Good task flow
 Relevant and Updated Content
 Smart Filtering/Sorting
 Smart Compare Products Feature
 Good Information Architecture
 Error Prevention
 Bad Navigation/Poor Menus
 No visible Search Bar
 Misleading Information
 Crowded Space
 Intrusive Ads
 Too much scrolling
 Poor Information Architecture
 Overly driven by marketing/Public Relations
 Poor Task Flow
 Poor Affordances
 Bad Domain Name
 Unreadable Text/Poor Graphics
 Distracting content
 Non-Relevant or old Content

Business Pattern  

In this pattern, the enterprises are mainly information providers. No purchasing takes place (that is a different business pattern).

This is one of the oldest model of Web and is largely used for advertisements and information dissemination through Web sites. Users, who can be either internal or external to the enterprise, interact with enterprise transactions and data. In some cases, there may be a need to access back-end applications and data. This pattern is relevant to those enterprises dealing with goods and services not normally listed in and sold from a catalog. It encompasses all user-to-business interactions not covered by the User-to-Online Purchase pattern. Many (but not all) of the functions supported by the User to Business pattern relate to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems.




Insurance Industry

Discount Brokerage

Convenience Banking

3. Application Functional Requirements

Additional Information

Functional Requirements

A Business Intelligence (BI) Service must be able to support at least the following operations:  
  • Update data warehouse information.
  • Retrieve data warehouse information for business intelligence.
  • Support OLAP (online analytical analysis tools).
  • Support data mining tools with proper statistical analysis and pattern recognition techniques to answer business questions.
  • Support discovery of information that is hidden or not apparent through typical query and analysis tools.
  • Support Web mining  to analyze the "clickstreams" (the log of users clicking for different Web pages).
  • Provide management/operational staff needs in gaining business intelligence.
  • Support Web browser based tools  to support widely distributed customers .
Sample Outputs Generated:
  • Enterprise reporting (using dashboards and scorecards)
  • Visualizations, gamification and simulation of real time activities
  • Cube analysis (also known as slice-and-dice analysis)
  • Statistical analysis: descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analysis reports
  • Data mining, web mining, and text mining analysis
  • Routine report delivery and alerting
  • Ad-hoc queries

Web publishing Main Functional Requirements

4. Information Models (Use Cases, Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams)

== Insert information models here   

5. Logical Architecture (Application Pattern)

Business Intelligence (BI) Service*Logical Application Architecture

This logical architecture consists of the following (see the diagram)

6. Architecture and Integration Requirements (General)

Distributed Architecture Requirements   

== Modify the following as needed    

Interface/Integration Requirements

== Modify the following as needed    

7. Architecture and Integration Requirements

Front-end Considerations

Back-end Considerations

B2B Considerations

Special Considerations

8.  Operational Requirements (Generic)    

Security/Permission Requirements  

Performance Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

9. Vendor  Support Requirements

Application Service Provider (ASP) Support

Back Up and Maintenance Support

Documentation Support

The application provider, in the following discussion, may be an outsourced development house or an internal software development group.

Training Support

10. SOA Considerations

  • Eliminate redundancy among services.
  • Services should be reused instead of created whenever possible
  • Services must be compliant with the existing reference architecture
  • Services should have a different response time based on the access method
  • Give priority to services with highest value and highest potential for reuse. 
  • Decide which  services to do? And, which services to do first?
  • Determine how will SOA development, execution, and maintenance of shared services be funded
  • Determine who owns the service
  • Ensure that SOA projects remain aligned with business goals and deliver the expected business results 
Main Suggestion:
  • Create a process for proposing services, for example:
    • Proposals are submitted to a team room
    • Require documentation/justification
    • Reviewed weekly by a committee established by the SOA Center of Excellence to respond:
      • Accepted.
      • Already exists, use that one
      • A similar service is planned by another group.  Coordinate with them.
      • Inappropriate (low value, low potential for reuse)
      • Use external / outsourced service


For Interoperability: A common approach used in interoperability is an ontology mapping table (OMT). Simply stated, ontology represents a vocabulary. An OMT translates the terms in one system to the other and thus provides the bridge between disparate systems (see a simple example below).

Term in System1 Term in System2
Customer Buyer
Laptop Computer
Item Product

Many organizations are pushing the use of the Semantic Web (with XML) for interoperability with focus on eGovernment, eHealth or eBusiness. Examples are: