Samples Overview

The Samples provides a quick reference and overview of the planning environment in terms of the services provided, initiatives supported and reports generated.

Sectors and Services: The Planning Environment supports a wide range of ICT services in economic development. healthcare, education, e-government, and other sectors. These “vertical sectors” are supported by several horizontal services such as network access and mobile computing that support all vertical sectors and services. Each sector provides many services. By using the samples, you can browse through the ICT services provided by each sector  by simply clicking on the various sectors. 


Initiatives: Many initiatives span several services from one or more sectors. Here are some examples:

  •   Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)  that span economic development, education, and other sectors 
  • eCity and eVillage Initiatives that provide a wide range of ICT services that span public safety and welfare in addition to economic development and education sectors.
  • Government specific initiatives at local as well as national levels in different countries (e.g., the Digital Britain Initiative).
  • Initiatives to strengthen private industry sectors such as manufacturing, telecom, and others

The Planner Processing and Outputs: A user of the Planner selects a service (e.g., mobile health clinic) for a given country (e.g., Nigeria ) and quickly generates the following reports: 

  • Business plans that can be used for obtaining funding 
  • Detailed Planning Reports (DPRs) that show the architecture, the needed  policies, and enabling technologies for the chosen service
  • Standardized RFPs (Requests for Proposals)  that can be used to attract the needed  vendors through an open bidding process
  • Project management, disaster recovery and governance guidelines for monitoring and controlling the development activities 
  • Education, training and public awareness campaigns needed for success To produce these reports, the Planner guides the users through cost benefit analysis, architectural configurations, implementation and acquisition options, and project management considerations.